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With much love, this update is by Rita Baumgartner (Sarah's sister in-law, married to Eric's brother, Marc).
We never expected to write this so soon, but wanted to update all of those who have loved and supported Eric and Sarah so much during this difficult, but brave battle with cancer. Eric went peacefully with Sarah and Marc holding his hands and talking gently to him yesterday evening just after 7.00pm.
After being admitted to the hospital a couple of weeks ago in hopes of having surgery that would make him more comfortable and prolong his time with us, Eric's surgery last Tuesday brought unfortunate news. The surgeons could not even attempt to remove the tumors or any part of them as his cancer had advanced so rapidly and completely that it was too dangerous to remove them. Dr. Nakakuru (his surgeon) informed us after the surgery and confirmed that there were no treatment options left for him. Eric came around from surgery and was his old self, so happy to see his family. On hearing the news the next morning, Eric arrested and had to be intubated (put on a breathing machine). He was taken to ICU where he remained until last night. Eric was able to wake from sedation twice a day, so his Mom, Dad, close family members and good friends were able to spend a few precious minutes with him. Although Eric was intubated, he was aware and responsive with blinking, gesturing and even some writing during the times he awoke from sedation. Sarah and Marc cherished every single second and got to tell him everything in their hearts. While Marc and Sarah spent pretty much every minute in his ICU room, his sisters & brother in law kept a 24 hour vigil in the waiting room, sleeping on a hard floor for a few hours each night just so they could remain close to him. Although our hearts are breaking, it's comforting to know Eric knew he was surrounded by family, good friends and much love.
We will have a memorial service for Eric on Saturday, 23 July to remember the wonderful husband, father, son, brother, friend he was to all of us. Please see details below:
Church: Holy Family, Citrus Heights
Address: 7817 Old Auburn Rd, Citrus Heights, CA 95610
Time: 10:00am
Dress: In honor of his favorite color, please wear blue (any shade) and black to the service instead of all black
A reception will be held immediately after the service at 360 Esatto Place, El Dorado Hills, California 95762. Bring your happiest fun memories of Eric.
The support and love he and his family received through this very difficult time has made a huge difference. Sarah and their boys will need our support for many years to come. We look forward to seeing many of you on Saturday to celebrate Eric's life. Knowing him made us all better people.
Thank you for all of your kind words, prayers and thoughts.